June 13 2019
Albany, New York

National Update: PAMA, NCD on NGS tests, the Anti-kickback/SUPPORT Act & FDA oversight of LDTs
Alan Mertz
Director of Government Relations, NeoGenomics; Past President, ACLA

Moving Beyond Single Gene-drug Pairs in Clinical Pharmacogenetics Testing
Yuan Ji, PhD
Medical Director, Molecular Genetics and Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, ARUP Laboratories

Transfusion Medicine in the Era of Blood Group Genomics
Jerry A. Holmberg, PhD, MS (Path, CLS), MT(ASCP)SBB

Senior Director, Strategic Scientific Innovation, Grifols Diagnostic Solutions Inc.

Better Care, Lower Cost: How Mayo Clinic is redefining the role of diagnostic medicine to align providers and payers in value-based care
Andrew Cousin, MBA, FACHE

Senior Director of Strategic Planning, Mayo Medical Laboratories

Chronic Kidney Disease Project
Elizabeth Montgomery
Senior Project Director, Primary Care Initiative, National Kidney Foundation

NYS Legislative Update
Amy Kellogg, JD, Partner, Harter Secrest & Emery LLP

Deriving Value from Lab Data Using AI
Aron Seidman, Vice President, Diagnostics Products, Prognos

Hot Topics in NYS Clinical Laboratory Oversight
Beverly Rauch, MS, Director, CLEP, NYS Department of Health

NYS Staff Licensure and Training Programs
Nancy Wiley, MSEd, CLT
Associate in Professional Education, NYS Education Department

Staffing Challenges and Solutions – Panel Discussion
Tamera Paczos, MD, Medical Director, URMC
Donna Manchisi, Director of Lab Ed. & Customer Experience, Northwell Health
Diane Deutsch-Keahey, PhD, Assistant Professor, York College/CUNY